Ensuring Your Ceramic Flooring Lasts

Unlike many other types of flooring, ceramic flooring might need more maintenance, so it will last for a long time. It is best to seal the floors to ensure it lasts. That will keep them in good condition.

Removing Any Stains


Even if your ceramic flooring does not look like it, it can be fairly porous. Porcelain tiles are not porous. That means that if you spill liquid on the floor, it might go through the tiles. That can result in a stain if you do not clean it up right away. 


But you might not get to a spill in time, and it might develop into a stain. As soon as you notice a stain, use a tile and grout cleaner kitchen (ex: Pronet II) or use bleach to clean the spot. Allow the bleach to sit for a few minutes, and then scrub it. You can use a stronger cleaner if the stain is still there.

You can use muriatic acid to clean the most stubborn stains. Of course, you will need to use safety gear, such as gloves, goggles, and masks. Ensure that you ventilate the room while you are working with muriatic acid. Add about six parts of water to about four parts of the acid. Remember that it is very corrosive, so you will need to take extra care when you are using it.


The mixture can be used to clean away any stains on your ceramic floor. You can use an old toothbrush for the job. When you are done, you should rinse the area. Follow the instructions on the package to get rid of any remaining acid.

Cleaning the Grout

If there are stains on the grout, you can clean it with Proma Pronet II or Efflonet. You can also try using muriatic acid. But if that does not work, you might have to add some more grout. Use a grout remover to get rid of what you have before applying a new one. You will notice an indentation in the area once the existing grout is gone.

Look for grout that is the same color as what you have. Then read the package instructions to learn how to install it. Using a wet sponge, clean up the area once you’re finished. You can work with the flooring again once the grout is dry.  You can also do a paste by mixing Peroxide Hydrogen and Baking Soda and use a toothbrush.

Advanced Cleaning 

By combining together an equal amount of white vinegar and warm water, you can ensure that your floor will be at its finest. Once you have the perfect shine, dry the floor with a microfibre towel. Pat the floor until it is completely dry. Once you clean your ceramic tile floor this way, all that it should require is a simple sweeping and mopping once a day for about a week using Projet cleaner.


Closing Thoughts

When it comes to your ceramic floors, it is critical for you to take the right steps to keep them clean. Use ceramic and grout cleaner available in our Tile store. That might include sealing them and keeping dirt off them. That can help your ceramic flooring last for many years to come. 



